Your Rust Experts

We are Signify Technology, your Rust specialists!


Rust is a systems programming language that prioritises memory safety, performance, and zero-cost abstractions.

With unparalleled Rust knowledge, a proven track record of success with diverse clients, pioneering Rust recruitment capabilities, and a commitment to customised solutions tailored to your unique needs, we stand as more than just Rust experts; we are your collaborators in achieving software development excellence. 

Immersed in the vibrant Rust community, we sponsor and collaborate on industry events and conferences globally, ensuring we stay at the forefront of industry advancements. Whether you're a Signify client seeking to bolster your team or a candidate embarking on a job search, we're more than just a service provider; we're an extension of your team, offering unwavering support every step of the way.

Rust's focus on memory safety, zero-cost abstractions, and performance has positioned it as a powerful language for systems programming, web development, and other performance-critical domains. The growing ecosystem and community support indicate a positive outlook for Rust in the programming landscape.

What makes Rust special?

Memory Safety:

  • Rust eliminates common programming errors like null pointer dereferences and buffer overflows by enforcing strict ownership and borrowing rules at compile-time.
  • The ownership system ensures memory safety without the need for garbage collection.

Concurrency Without Data Races:

  • Rust's ownership model allows for safe concurrency, preventing data races through its ownership and borrowing system.
  • The language encourages developers to write concurrent code that is both safe and performant.

Zero-Cost Abstractions:

  • Rust allows developers to write high-level abstractions without sacrificing performance.
  • The ownership system and borrow checker enable zero-cost abstractions by ensuring that runtime overhead is minimal.

Pattern Matching:

  • Rust supports powerful pattern matching through its match keyword, making it expressive and concise for handling various data types and structures.

Trait System:

  • Rust's trait system allows for code reuse and polymorphism without sacrificing performance.
  • Traits provide a way to define shared behavior across different types.

Ecosystem and Package Manager:

  • Rust has a growing ecosystem of libraries and frameworks, supported by its package manager, Cargo.
  • Cargo simplifies the process of building, testing, and managing Rust projects, contributing to a smooth development experience.

Community Focus on Learning:

  • Rust has a strong emphasis on documentation and learning resources, making it accessible for developers of varying experience levels.
  • The official Rust Book is a comprehensive resource for learning the language.

Rust Market Overview 

Systems Programming:

  • Rust is particularly well-suited for systems programming, and it has gained popularity for developing operating systems, device drivers, and performance-critical components.

Web Development:

  • Rust is increasingly being used in web development, especially for building high-performance server-side applications.
  • Projects like Actix and Rocket demonstrate Rust's capabilities in the web development space.

Game Development:

  • Rust's emphasis on performance and memory safety makes it attractive for game development. The amethyst game engine is an example of a Rust-based game development framework.

Security-Focused Applications:

  • Rust's emphasis on memory safety makes it suitable for security-critical applications, where vulnerabilities and exploits need to be minimized.

Blockchain and Systems Software:

  • Rust is gaining traction in the blockchain space and is used in projects like the Polkadot network.
  • Its focus on reliability and performance makes it suitable for developing blockchain protocols and systems software.

Job Market:

  • The demand for Rust developers has been on the rise, particularly in companies working on performance-critical systems, networking, and infrastructure.

Community Engagement:

  • Rust has a highly engaged and supportive community. Regular conferences, forums, and meet-ups contribute to knowledge sharing and collaboration.