Mistakes happen - we get it. But when it comes to your CV/Resume, you want to give yourself the best chance. Here are our four top tips to help you avoid them...
Don't overcomplicate it.
Easy to read is what everyone is looking for. When the employer is reading your CV/Resume, they are scanning for relevant information and how it can reflect on the role you are applying for. Bullet points are your best friend. It could also be worth getting a friend or family member to read it over for you too, a second pair of eyes is always helpful.
First impressions are everything and a bad spelling mistake could leave a sour one.
Bad spelling or grammatical errors could result in the employer thinking you haven't taken the time or care to proof read before submitting.
Check out apps such as Grammarly to catch mistakes you might have missed!
Remember, it's your CV/Resume, not your life history.
Keeping your experience relevant will make your CV/Resume look more concise and suited for the role. It will also ensure that the right information is being read and nothing is missed.
The employer wants to know how you'll be able to execute the role and what you've done previously to do this.
Use keywords that are in the job description throughout your CV/Resume.
What would you add to the list? Let us know in the comments...
If you're ready to try out your new CV/resume, why don't you head to our jobs page and check out the latest functional programming roles on the market!