Mental Health in Recruitment

April 27, 2021

Go back a few years and mental health was rarely spoken about in recruitment. Arguably, there is still a long way to go in regards to putting employees mental health first but recently, many companies in the recruitment sector have taken steps to ensure they offer more support to staff who may be struggling.
Recruitment can be a stressful industry to work in, with so many variables and changes in daily activity or expectations it can be testing at the best of times. In recruitment you are also often left to manage your own task list/activity and if you are struggling this can be overwhelming.

What can you do?

1. Does your company have a mental health first aider? If you are unsure, ask! And if they don't have one, is this something you could do, could you ask for training? Helping others is always a great way to help yourself!
2. Write down five things that make you feel better or calmer. This is a useful technique when things become over whelming, make sure you also find time for those things in your schedule as often as possible.
3. Life is busy. Try to listen to your body more, do you need food, a break, an early night?
4. Release endorphins in your free time; make time to exercise, meditate or speak to friends.
5. Ask for help when you need it, if you are struggling at work speak to a mentor or manager.
6. Take breaks from your desk, stretch your legs, look at something other than a screen.
7. Be understanding of others; mental health is a spectrum and everyone has a different experience of it, at different times.
8. Don't be too hard on yourself, its okay not to be okay.
This week Signify Technology have another session booked in with Michelle Flynn - Michelle is a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) Practitioner and Certified International Health Coach. She has experience working in the recruitment industry herself and her own story to share on stress and coping mechanisms. If you are looking for advice on where to start, Michelle is a great help!

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Revealing Future Trends: Scala, Rust, and Go Language
March 19, 2024
As the digital age accelerates, companies are constantly evolving, seeking robust and efficient technologies to drive their development. A pivotal aspect of this technological adoption lies in choosing a programming language that addresses current needs and is sustainable and scalable for the future. We recently conducted a poll to gauge industry insights on which programming language professionals believe will dominate enterprise development in the next five years. The results offer a unique perspective on the future of programming in enterprise environments.Our poll attracted diverse opinions from professionals across the technology sector, revealing a close race among three major languages, with a surprising twist in the respondents' anticipation for the future.Scala With its functional programming prowess and seamless Java Virtual Machine (JVM) integration, Scala received 18% of the vote. Its sophisticated type inference, immutability, and pattern matching enhance developer productivity and software maintainability. Enterprises that have invested heavily in Java find Scala a natural evolution, offering advanced features without abandoning their existing infrastructure.RustRust, acclaimed for its memory safety features and performance, garnered 26% of the votes. Designed to provide safe concurrency and prevent segmentation faults, making it an ideal choice for high-stakes enterprise applications where security and speed are paramount. As businesses increasingly focus on data integrity and efficient processing, Rust's assurances in these areas make it a strong candidate for future dominance.Go With 27% support, Go, or Golang, stands out for its straightforward syntax and powerful concurrency support, traits highly valued in the fast-paced world of enterprise development. Its robust standard library and built-in features for concurrent processing enable developers to build scalable and maintainable systems efficiently. As enterprises seek to streamline operations and handle massive data volumes, Go's simplicity and performance offer compelling advantages. Interestingly, the largest % of our respondents, 29%, believe that none of the languages mentioned will dominate enterprise development in the coming years. As organisations navigate their digital transformation journeys, the choice of programming language becomes a strategic decision influenced by team expertise, application requirements, and long-term goals. Whether sticking with time-tested languages like Java and Python, adopting newer alternatives like Kotlin, or exploring the languages highlighted in our poll, enterprises must balance innovation with pragmatism to thrive in the ever-evolving technological landscape.Which language do you think will rise to the top, or do you foresee a different trend shaping the industry?
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Advantages Of Using Golang for Web App Development
February 6, 2024
Want to develop your unique web app and attract more traffic? Well, you have several options when it comes to programming languages. However, choosing the right one is vital to ensuring the success of your web app.  No doubt, C, Python, and Java are among the prominent options for web app development. But Google's Go language (Golang) is also becoming popular recently. About 70% of software developers consider using Golang for app development. That's indeed significant!  Now, you must be wondering, when there are several programming languages, what makes Golang so different and popular? Well, it is gaining popularity owing to the features and benefits it offers.  This article will provide you with valuable insights into the advantages of using Golang for web development. Let's dive in!  An Overview of Go Language  Before exploring the advantages, one should have an idea of the programming language itself. The Go language, or Golang, is a famous open-source programming language.  Go was initially developed by Google in 2009 for internal use to leverage the powers of Java and C#. Today, it has gained the trust of developers worldwide, allowing them to build secure and scalable web applications trouble-free.  Golang concentrates on solving development issues, inspired by Python's relative productivity and simplicity. Those include uncontrolled dependencies, effort duplication, cross-language development, and slow build time.  Golang simplifies software development as it offers less complicated programming. However, it is significant to note that Golang is still in its infancy stage. But it has garnered immense popularity in the last couple of years.  The Advantages of Using Golang  Want to make use of the Go language for your next web development project? In that case, go through the most convincing benefits before hiring the developers.  Easy and efficient codes  When it comes to web development, coding is an integral part. It often consumes a lot of time. However, with Golang, coding is easy and efficient.  Codes are two times shorter than other programming languages without affecting functionality in any manner. Besides, they ensure equally high performance. It helps save a great deal of time and allows developers to complete coding in much less time.  High speed of execution  Essentially, Go is a compiled programming language. That means it has been translated by the compiler from a high-level to a low-level language. Hence, it becomes easy to understand for the processor.  Consequently, the compiled programs tend to run faster. Besides, you don't have to install any extra programs for execution.  Enhanced performance  The Go language performs better than other programming languages, such as Python. Did you know that it is even faster than Python versions 2 and 3? Yes, you read it right! Are you wondering about the secret of such high programming language performance? It is mainly due to its concurrency model and higher CPU scalability. This creates Goroutines, exclusive to the Go language, that adds more functionality to the execution. Also, Goroutine provides affordable resources and allows you to save resources efficiently.  Ideal for large-scale projects  Working on large-scale web app development projects is often challenging. However, with Golang, you do not have to worry. It allows the development of large-scale and complex applications in a hassle-free manner.  Easy to learn  Do you have a basic understanding of Java and the C language? If yes, you can easily use the Go language for web development. It has an easy learning curve, which makes it quite popular among developers.  The syntax and keywords may be different in C and Java. However, the procedural approach remains the same. You will get familiar with the programming language in much less time.  Comprehensive programming tools  Golang offers you the freedom to choose the best tools for your web development project. From among the best Golang Web frameworks, libraries, databases, and other tools, you can pick the ones that meet your requirements.  Moreover, you can also download IDEs, editors, and plugins. So, you will have no issue finding the most appropriate development tools for your web development project.  Built-in package manager  Programming languages like Python require you to install third-party packages. However, Golang comes with a built-in package manager. As a result, it becomes easier for the developers to manage codes.  Moreover, you can easily pull in more libraries as per the requirements without the need to install them. It makes the development task easier for beginners.  Easy documentation  Documentation plays a vital role in the coding of an application. So, developers try their best to simplify this process. In such a situation, leveraging the Go language can be an ideal choice.  Golang comes with GoDoc, thereby making the development of documentation pages easier. Developers do not have to make use of other languages like PHPDoc, JavaDoc, or JSDoc. Using simple English is sufficient. Consequently, Golang helps save a great deal of time for developers.  Doesn't require web framework support  Most programming languages require web framework support. But that is not the case with Golang. This is what makes it very unique and distinct.   The Go language is self-reliant. It comes loaded with numerous in-built tools. Besides, it gets the necessary support from the native language core. Therefore, you don't have to worry about conducting extensive research to find suitable frameworks.  Huge community  The Go language is a modern programming language. It is growing at a rapid pace and has a large community of developers. Thus, using this language is extremely beneficial for your web development projects.  Additionally, you can contact professional developers to address any issues for faster development. Moreover, you can stay up to date about new industry trends and receive seamless support from the community.   Wrapping Up  Besides the advantages mentioned above, web applications created using the Go language are easy to maintain. So, now that you know the benefits of using Golang for web app development, it's time to hire proficient and experienced developers.   The programming language is here to stay and will likely witness increased demand in the coming days. Hence, connect with expert Go developers today to build high-performing and feature-rich web apps.  
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Fullstack Developer Emerges as the Most Demanding Role in 2024 🚀
January 23, 2024
In a recent LinkedIn poll that resulted in over 1,300 votes, the Fullstack Developer role has emerged as the most demanding in 2024, resulting in over 59% of the votes. This revelation raises questions about the factors contributing to the heightened demand for Fullstack Developers in ever-evolving technology. One of the key reasons behind the demand for Fullstack Developers is their ability to navigate both front-end and back-end development seamlessly. In today's fast-paced digital era, businesses seek professionals who can develop end-to-end solutions, ensuring a cohesive and efficient user experience. Fullstack Developers, with their versatile skill set, become invaluable assets in a tech-centric world. Technology is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and companies are constantly adopting new tools, frameworks, and languages to stay competitive. Fullstack Developers possess the adaptability required to keep on top of these changes. While Fullstack Developers lead, Back-end Developers secured 23% of the votes. Back-end developers have the specialised skills to handle server-side operations and database management, bringing deep expertise in server-side technologies, APIs, and database management—essential components of any robust digital infrastructure. The LinkedIn poll results, with 59% of respondents identifying the Fullstack Developer role as the most demanding in 2024, shed light on the evolving needs of the tech industry. The all-encompassing expertise, adaptability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of Fullstack Developers make them indispensable assets in a landscape where innovation and digital transformation are paramount. As technology advances, the demand for professionals who can bridge the gap between front-end and back-end development is likely to persist, solidifying the Fullstack Developer role as a cornerstone in the ever-changing world of technology.Top of Form
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Rust vs Go - Exploring the Similarities and Differences
October 26, 2023
In the ever-evolving landscape of programming languages, two names have become prominent in recent years: Rust and Go, also known as Golang.  These languages have truly caught the attention of programmers globally due to their unique features and strong use cases. In this blog post, we'll dive into the similarities and differences between Rust and Go. Memory Safety  Both Rust and GO have memory safety as a priority; however, they have their own individual approach.  Rust is known for its ownership system; tracking and enforcing references and memory allocations ensures memory safety. It eliminates common pitfalls like data races simultaneously, making it an ideal choice for system-level programming. GO, on the other hand, relies on garbage collection for memory management. By reducing the risk of memory leaks and dangling pointers, it remains a memory-safe language and simplifies memory handling.  Performance Both languages are praised for excelling in terms of performance. However, GO does not match Rust's high performance; its efficiency and garbage collection make it a strong choice.  Rust's fine-grained control over memory and low-level access contribute to its speed.  Now, let's get into the differences.  Error handling  Rust is advanced when it comes to error handling, to help reduce the likelihood of error emission, the system is based on Result and Option types.  It's known that GO has a more straightforward error-handling system, and if not handled correctly, it can lead to error omission. Functions return multiple values, including an error, which is easier to work.  Ecosystem  Active communities and growing ecosystems but focusing on different areas.  Rust is frequently used in systems programming, the construction of web servers, and other performance-critical software. The Rust community strongly emphasises open-source development and maintains an extensive repository of documentation. GO is highly favoured in web development, microservices, and crafting networked applications. Its community is celebrated for its commitment to simplicity and practicality, underpinned by a resolute focus on real-world use cases. Rust and GO are versatile programming languages with unique strengths. Your choice between the two should depend on your project's requirements, your familiarity with the languages, and your personal preferences as a developer. Rust excels in memory safety and fine-grained control, making it ideal for performance-critical applications. Meanwhile, GO shines in concurrency and simplicity, making it an excellent choice for building scalable, concurrent systems. Ultimately, the right choice is the one that best suits your specific needs and goals.
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Events and Conferences; Let's talk about the benefits
October 11, 2023
In today's fast-paced world, digital communication dominates, and attending events and conferences seems to be an outdated way of gaining knowledge and expanding your network. However, they are invaluable for personal and professional growth. In this blog, we'll explore the benefits of attending and why they are worth your time and investment. Learning OpportunitiesThey offer copious learning opportunities; bringing together experts and industry leaders who share their insights, experiences, and knowledge. From keynote talks to panel discussions and workshops, numerous ways exist to gain new perspectives, skills, and information. Whether you want to stay updated on industry trends, acquire new skills, or dive deep into a specific topic, these opportunities provide knowledge.  NetworkingOne of the most significant benefits, and one of our favourites, is the opportunity to expand your professional network. Interacting face-to-face with like-minded individuals, experts in your field and potential collaborators can lead to valuable connections. Gaining these connections will open doors to finding job opportunities, learning about meetups and even sparking new business ideas. Inspiration and MotivationWe're always learning, and the industry is constantly evolving; sometimes, we even just need a little push to reignite our motivation and enthusiasm. Attending events and conferences can be a powerful source of inspiration. Hearing success stories, listening to passionate speakers, and engaging with individuals who share your goals and aspirations can rekindle your drive and ambition and provide a different perspective on situations you may not have considered. Brand and Career DevelopmentAttending events and conferences can significantly boost your brand and career development. If you're a professional or an entrepreneur, speaking at or sponsoring such events can enhance your credibility and visibility within your industry. It can also serve as a platform for showcasing your expertise and ideas. Additionally, attending these gatherings can help you stay updated on industry trends and developments, making you more marketable and relevant. Recharge and ReconnectIn our hectic daily lives, losing touch with our passions and priorities is easy. It's an opportunity to step away from your routine and focus on personal and professional development.  Events and conferences offer many benefits, from learning opportunities to networking and personal development. The knowledge, connections, and inspiration gained from attending these gatherings can have a lasting impact on your personal and professional life. So, if you've been on the fence about participating in events and conferences, it's time to take the plunge and unlock the countless advantages they offer. Your next breakthrough moment might just be around the corner.  We'll see you there!
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